Location: Northside Baptist Church, Tifton
Times: 10:30 am-1:00 pm
Recharge is a fellowship opportunity for pastors built on worship and encouragement. This event is FREE and includes lunch.
2024 Recharge events feature Mel Blackaby, Lead Pastor at First Baptist Church in Jonesboro, who will focus on the topic “Continuing the Call: Encouragement to Persevere.”
Mel Blackaby currently serves as Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church of Jonesboro, Georgia. He is a graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div. 1991; Ph.D. 1997). It was in the pioneer mission field of Canada that the Lord shaped his life for ministry. He has a deep concern for a world without Christ, as well as a shepherd’s heart that longs to see people grow in their walk with God. Even though he is an author and conference speaker, his first love remains with ministry in the local church. First Baptist Jonesboro is literally impacting the world as it preaches in seven languages every Sunday, is heavily invested in church planting and world missions, as well being committed to reaching and training the next generation of leaders.
Mel and his wife Gina have three children. As a family, they have learned to “enjoy the journey!” So they balance a busy schedule with a love for horses, sports, and travelling.
If you have any questions, contact Loretta Crow at lcrow@gabaptist.org or Amanda Jarvis at ajarvis@gabaptist.org.