Georgia Baptist Health Care Ministry Foundation

Providing healthcare grants to non-profit healthcare providers

In response to the love of God revealed in Jesus Christ, and keeping with our Baptist heritage, the Georgia Baptist Health Care Ministry Foundation is committed to the continuation of a healthy community. For more than 100 years, the Georgia Baptist Health Care System has offered a ministry of healing to those in need. That ministry continues as we work to offer a wholesome quality of life to the citizens of Georgia and other communities served through needed health care ministries; and to research and develop new health care services that make a positive and measurable difference in the lives of those we serve.

The Georgia Baptist Health Care Ministry Foundation holds charitable assets from which funds are expended in the form of grants supporting heath care needs that benefit organizations and individuals within Georgia and other communities served.

Grant Impact Statistics (2005 - 2024)

Amount Awarded $74,801,130.26 $8,417,791.00 $83,218,921.26
Number of Grants 935 81 1,016
First Time Organizations 395 7 402
Lives Affected 5,045,985 357,631 5,403,616
Professions of Faith 24,460 995 25,455
Baptisms 3,596 59 3,655
Pregnancies Carried to Term 24,319 918 25,237
Number of Volunteers 186,618 30,947 217,565
Est. Value of Prog Serv Provided $474,642,540.84 $150,785,476.03 $625,428,016.87

Grant Details

June 15 – August 15: Grant Application Submission
August 16 – Nov. 30: GBHCMF Review Process
Dec. 1-15: Conditional Approval and Denial Letters Mailed
January 1-15: Award Agreement Completion
Feb. 16-28: Issuance of First Grant Payment

About the Foundation

Connect with our team

Larry Wynn

GBHCMF Executive Director

Connect with our team


Rex Mobley

CFO and VP of Operations of GBHCMF

Key Links

Apply for a grant

Qualifying nonprofit healthcare organizations are invited to apply for a GBHCMF grant. Grants are considered between June 15 – August 15.

Go to Grant Portal