12 Steps to Making Your Events Evangelistic

Most churches schedule events that they hope will bless their community and reach lost people. Churches that don’t organize and prepare for the event are often disappointed in the lack of fruit and low attendance. Event evangelism can be very effective, but it must be built on a foundation of prayer and planning. There are a number of events that can be evangelistic. Perhaps your church has done some of these in the past. You may even be planning a version of some now! A few examples include Vacation Bible Schools, Revival Meetings, Ladies Teas, Block Parties, Valentine Banquets, High School Graduate Days, Dinner Theaters, Support Groups, and Wild Game Dinners just to name a few.

There are three essential elements in making events evangelistic:

  1. Lost people must be present.
  2. The gospel must be presented with clarity.
  3. There must be a well thought out invitation with clear communication on how to respond to the gospel.

To have the most spiritual impact from church events, it is necessary to enlist a leadership team and work together.

Below are some of the steps that needs to be a part of building an effective evangelistic event:

  1. Pray for God to bless the event. Souls are saved and lives are changed not by the wisdom of man but by the power of the Holy Spirit.
  2. Be organized in planning. God is not the author of confusion. We often approach these events as fellowship times and are not intentional in our evangelistic planning.
  3. Think big! Ask the question: “What would happen if God showed up?”
  4. Develop a vision for the event. What is the purpose of having the event and what does a spiritual win look like?
  5. Have a white board to write down and discuss plans for all the team to see.
  6. Make assignments to different team members.
  7. Incorporate a system of accountability to ensure that all plans are carried out.
  8. Strive to have everyone on board for the event.
  9. Communicate clearly and often in promoting the event.
  10. Develop a method to follow up on decisions.
  11. Conduct a debriefing leadership meeting after the event is over. Take notes on positives and negatives, weaknesses and strengths. Do a complete evaluation of all that happened leading up to the event and through the carrying out of the event.
  12. Retain the evaluation to review before having other events.

Event evangelism can reap a great harvest as you seek to love your community and proclaim the gospel of Jesus.

For more information on No Sweat Evangelism, go to nosweatevangelism.com. The Georgia Baptist Mission Board has an Evangelism Consultant in your specific region that can help you in leading your church members to follow Jesus and work in His harvest fields. For more information, please contact the Evangelism team of the Georgia Baptist Mission Board and schedule a consultation. You can also join the conversation on Facebook!

Published January 27, 2021