Religious Liberty
Our culture is changing, and these changes are leading to changes in the law.
As a result, churches are experiencing legal challenges to their religious freedom. Challenges are arising at the local, state, and federal level on several issues, including:
- Sexual orientation and gender identity laws: Elected officials have made attempts to prohibit churches and other employers from maintaining biblically based codes of conduct related to marriage and sexual behavior.
- Use of church facilities: Some government officials are attempting to dictate how churches can use their buildings, even if it means violating their beliefs.
- Unconstitutional regulations: Some states have attempted to force churches to provide abortions in their health plans, despite their deeply held beliefs about the sanctity of life.
- Equal access to government grants and property: Churches across the country have been discriminated against and denied access to neutrally available public benefits simply because they are religious.
Your church needs to be prepared to face these, and other, religious freedom issues. But you don’t have to bear this legal burden alone – we’ve partnered with ADF Church Alliance to equip you.
ADF Church Alliance provides legal support.
ADF Church Alliance is a membership program that provides legal help so you can freely preach and operate your church in accordance with Christian principles. The program acts as a hub for churches to gain access to experienced First Amendment lawyers who are available to answer religious liberty questions, conduct document reviews and provide advice, and even represent your church in court if necessary and appropriate – it’s virtually all-inclusive for religious freedom issues.
By joining ADF Church Alliance, your church can be prepared and protected for potential challenges, so you can continue to live out your faith and freely minister.
Become a member and have peace of mind knowing you have a strong legal advocate ready to stand with you.
- Apply Online at ADFChurchAlliance.org
- Use Promo Code GBMB20 for a 20% discount
- Keep the doors open for the gospel
Because of our partnership, you get a 20% discount on this already affordable program. Enter code GBMB20 when you apply.