Coronavirus: 7 Direct Ways to Evangelize in a Crisis
Is there a way we can take advantage of this coronavirus crisis for the sake of the gospel? I believe there is. Just as Jesus moved into the lives of those who were experiencing crises, we as a church can be his hands and feet during this time. Here are a few ways to get started with evangelism in crisis and maybe spark even better ideas. Be sure to share these ideas in the Facebook group.
Phone call guests from the past two years.
Divide those numbers up among deacons or small group leaders. If you need some tips about how to mobilize or get these leaders going, check out this post. As you call, let them know you care for them and are praying for them during this time. Find out if they have immediate needs and take the opportunity to share Jesus with them.
Encourage “House Church” invitations.
Let your church family know that now is a great time to have people to their house to livestream a message your church or partner church has put together.
Ask for prayer requests and needs (they don’t have to relate to the coronavirus).
Encourage church members to visit homes on their street or in their neighborhood asking for prayer requests or needs. Use this as an opportunity to invite church members to get into gospel conversations.
Offer online training on evangelism.
Challenge your church members to watch No Sweat Evangelism (www.nosweatevangelism.com) to learn how to share Jesus in their context.
Share your testimony!
Share your testimony on social media and how knowing Jesus helps you in difficult times like these. Offer to talk to anyone listening.
Be creative with moments to share the gospel.
Give out food to those in need, and place gospel tracts in food bags/boxes/backpacks. We have a list of community outreach ideas – let evangelism and missions work together!
Always offer the gospel presentation.
As you move your services to an online format: Remember that more lost people may view it, so be intentional about presenting a clear gospel presentation at the end and be clear on how someone can respond.
As you know, we can use any of these ideas at any time. Consider implementing them now, during the coronavirus crisis, and then think of ways they can be ongoing evangelism opportunities.
Published March 20, 2020