The Big 4 of Sunday School
The Sunday school (your ongoing Sunday morning small groups strategy) is the best tool you have to do Great Commission ministry. But nothing good will come from classes and groups if you put them on autopilot. You’ve got to be intentional!
I think that too many times we focus on the wrong things with our Sunday schools. I would encourage you to make sure your Sunday is focused on TEACHING, CARING, REACHING and REPRODUCING.
- If there is going to be productive Bible study, then the teacher/leader must spend time in preparation.
- The class/group must spend at least half of their allotted time for Bible study on Sunday morning.
- The goal of the Bible study is life change so the teacher/leader must teach for application and then follow up to ensure that continued learning takes place.
- The Bible is the textbook and the use of curriculum to guide the group in their study is essential.
- If the class/group is really going to care for each the way to begin is making sure everyone is being prayed for.
- The caring of the members is best accomplished through weekly contacting them by leaders enlisted to achieve the caring function.
- Relationships should be developed beyond the Sunday morning Bible study so there should be an organized fellowship every 5-7 weeks.
- When there is a significant date in the life of the member it should be recognized by the group.
- The group must have a list of folks they are trying to reach; we’ve called it a prospect file for years, but the function is still the same.
- Everyone in the class/group must have expectation that new people will come to the group every week.
- The gospel must be shared every week and there needs to be an opportunity for people to respond every week.
- Every three months the class/group needs to be doing some type of mission/service project in their community and/or in the world.
- The idea of multiplying must be built into the culture of the class/group from the beginning. Talk about new leaders and new groups all the time.
- To start new groups, you need new leaders. The current leaders must be training the next wave of new leaders. Every current leader needs to be mentoring a new leader.
- New people are reached through new groups. Every class/group should be starting a new group at least every two years.
- If space is an issue, then start your new groups at a different time and/or location.
The goal of Sunday School is to reach the lost, disciple the saved and multiply. I hope that’s what your Sunday School is doing. For more information or to contact a Discipleship consultant, contact us today by calling 770-455-0404 or visiting this page. Don’t forget to join the conversation on Facebook!
Published July 22, 2020