Becoming all things to all people to save some
Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 9:22, “I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some” (ESV). The Research and Development (R&D) team understands that methods of communication and marketing are constantly changing. It’s this team’s responsibility to remain aware of these shifts and support the Georgia Baptist Mission Board, as well as Georgia Baptists, in their messaging and communication needs so that “by all means” more people might hear the gospel.
R&D works with each of the GBMB ministries to produce relevant resources such as booklets, downloadable products, training videos, event promotion, websites, emails and more – all with the intent of helping the GBMB staff strengthen churches and support pastors across Georgia.
This team also supports the major events of the GBMB. The Spark Conference, which is one of the largest virtual training conferences for churches in Georgia, was a collaboration between R&D and the Discipleship team to offer a great experience for registrants. The Georgia Baptist Convention Annual Meeting, Evangelism Conference, Next Gen events, as well as most regional events, include components that have passed through the hands of the R&D team.
Each of the GBMB’s materials are created using research on the latest trends within the Georgia Baptist Convention and in our culture as a whole. R&D also provides this research to our Georgia Baptist churches, and it includes general statistics to allow them to be as effective as possible in their ministry efforts.
While R&D does support the GBMB internally, it is the goal of the ministry to also work directly with churches and ministry leaders. This team is composed of individuals who understand websites, apps, social media, email and communication best practices that many churches don’t have the time or resources to tackle. It is the desire of the R&D team to come alongside ministry leaders to help teach those best practices and apply them in a way that works in their church’s context.
Research and Development also spearheads the promotion and development of Cooperative Program communications. This promotion is crucial because gifts to the Cooperative Program enable us to partner together to fulfill the Great Commission.
Published April 9, 2021