Information & Actions in a Post-Roe Era
Here is some information on what Georgia Baptists are doing by way of providing information and action items in a post-Roe era.
Here are two links from our five-point Mission Georgia Plan on Pre/Post Natal Care and Foster Care and Adoption:
Here are three articles I have written for the Christian Index trying to prepare churches and Christians for a post-Roe world:
- http://christianindex.staging.communityq.com/stories/roe-v-wade-is-the-church-ready,21420
- http://christianindex.staging.communityq.com/stories/governor-signs-the-maternity-supportive-housing-legislation,21516
- http://christianindex.staging.communityq.com/stories/roe-v-wade-it-is-time-to-stand-up,22157
We are working on two Lunch and Learn Meetings where we are going to introduce to our churches the opportunity to start LIV (Life Initiatives and Values) Groups.This was first started in FBC Woodstock, Ga. This would help churches engage the pro-life issue from an educational, missions, and maternal care perspective.
Also, we will have a booth at the Annual National Right to Life Convention. I will also be speaking in a breakout session for pastors at the Annual National Right to Life Convention (https://nrlconvention.com/) that will be held in Atlanta at the end of June. I will be speaking on: “A Defense for Delivering More Babies in a Post-Roe Era”.
Description of Session: It is important, moving forward that the Pro-life movement educate the culture on how valuable all human life is. The Pro-life movement should exist to promote respect and effective legal protection for all innocent human life from its earliest biological beginning through natural death. Therefore, understanding the value of all human life helps lay a better foundation for the future care of mothers and children in a post Roe era.
Here is a video from Alliance Defending Freedom on “How the Supreme Court Could Correct its Past Extreme Abortion Rulings:” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtnO4X15JNA. This would be a good video to show your church.
Feel free to reach out If I can help your church in any way on this issue!
Published June 1, 2022