Learning Communities
Are you interested in hearing best practices gathered from leading churches across the nation? Perhaps you are looking for professional collaboration, memorable fellowship, skill development, or a safe place where you can participate in an honest conversation?
Just maybe you have felt like this leader in South Georgia:
“Full transparency, this is the hardest ministry season I have ever experienced. I’m not going anywhere or anything, just at a point where I don’t have a lot of excitement about the next several months. I do look forward to our (Learning Community) meetings.”
Well, my friends, we have just the opportunity for you!
Learning Communities
That’s right. Our discipleship team is setting up six of these LCs in each region of the state. Each Learning Community will be coordinated by a host. The group will be large enough to have energy and small enough to know each other well.
What will you discuss, how often will you meet, and what is the agenda? Well, YOU are in charge of that. You’ll work with your host to choose a topic for discussion or speaker as well as the frequency of your gatherings. A typical gathering may include light food & drink, sharing personal prayer needs, pre-arranged topical discussion, soul care, and fun fellowship.
Honestly, I am tired of seeing my ministry friends resign or fall morally due to a lack of encouragement and accountability. My prayer is that these Learning Communities will provide: A platform for us to grow professionally, give and receive encouragement, serve as a sounding board for creative ideas, and help us finish the race well.
It doesn’t matter if you are a seasoned ministry veteran, a next-level leader with decades left to serve, or a newbie looking to connect. Learning Communities are designed just for you. I pray that you will click the link below, read through additional information on Learning Communities, and fill out the brief form. We will have the discipleship consultant in your region contact you ASAP with your next steps. https://gabaptist.org/discipleship/#learning
Published January 7, 2021