Transform Your Home into a Missions Outpost for Your Neighborhood
The quarantine isolated families in their homes. Many during this time became extremely creative about how they could minister to their neighbors. In fact, homes became missions outpost all over Georgia. One thing that was discovered during this time: That it could be done.
Moving out of quarantine doesn’t mean we should move away from creatively reaching out to our neighbors. Here are two easy ways you can begin turning your home into a missions outpost.
Make A Reason to Invite
Don’t think extravagance here. In fact, the easier the better. We recently did a homemade ice cream party in the backyard. We got as many neighbors involved as possible. Some made ice cream, some brought soft drinks, and others brought snacks. We have learned the more people pitching in, the people you ensure will be present. But this is only one idea. We have done Easter egg hunts, mini fall festivals, and hot chocolate all in the backyard.
The goal is to make a reason to invite. Then, as a follower of Jesus, begin to build relationships with those who show up. This will allow you the opportunity to begin sharing your faith with your neighbors. God didn’t give you a house just so you would have a roof over your head. He needed a gospel witness in your neighborhood. Be that witness.
Make Ways to Engage
There are several ways you can engage with your neighbors. Here are a few to get you thinking.
Create a Facebook page specifically for your neighborhood. This could be a place where neighbors interact and even where your invitations could be posted. The goal of the page is to use it as a way for you to get to know your neighbors and begin to pray specifically for them.
You can also engage via email. Just get an email list of your neighborhood and then begin to reach out to everyone. This could allow you an opportunity to let your neighbors know you are praying for them. Also, it is a great way to engage your neighbors in spiritual conversation.
Don’t underestimate walking around the block or sitting on your porch. These are times you get to see neighbors out in their yards or walking their dogs. Take these moments to engage them in conversation. And if you know what is happening in their lives via Facebook and/or emails, you can check in with them. Again, another way to begin sharing with others your relationship with Jesus.
One of the best ways to engage our neighbors came from my wife. She went around the neighborhood when it snowed and took pictures of the homes. Then, when Christmas came, she made Christmas Cards with a picture of their snow covered home on it. It was a way to engage our neighbors and thankfully, a way to begin having conversations with them about Jesus.
You Can Do It
The quarantine of COVID-19 made us think outside of the box when it came to doing ministry in our neighborhoods. Don’t stop thinking and creating new ways to reach your neighbors with the love of Jesus and the gospel. Just because you are no longer stuck in your house doesn’t mean you need to stop thinking about how to reach your neighbors.
For more information on Beyond Regathering, visit https://gabaptist.org/beyondregathering/. Also join the conversation on Facebook.
Published July 27, 2020