Personalizing Prayer During Uncertain Times
The COVID-19 times may be uncertain, but the One who is and has been for all times is not. When we are at a loss for what to say to God, we know His Spirit intercedes for us. Use God’s words to personalize these prayers for yourself or others He is putting on your heart. Be specific and rest in His wisdom and power to do what only He can do in each situation. To print your own list, click here.
Types of Prayers
Fear Prayer
Dear Lord, fear and anxiety are not a part of you. They are the opposite of you. Please help ____________ to realize that in you they are a new creation. Old ways of coping and things of the world are gone. Our hope is in you. We cling to your truth of peace that you have left with us and in fact have given us. You always have better options than the world because what you give is different than what the world gives. Do not let _____ heart be troubled and help them not be afraid. You are with us always. 2 Corinthians 5:17 John 14:27
Unemployment Prayer
Dear God, The earth is yours and everything and everybody in it. Praise you! You are the only true God. _____ is struggling with unemployment right now. Thank you that we can “throw” all our cares on you. They are distracting when we hold on to them. You care for ________. Help me and them not to keep worrying about the things we need like the other nations of the world because you already know what we need, and we trust you to provide all that is needed. Psalm 24:1; 1 Peter 5:6-7; Luke 12:29-31
Family Relationships Prayer
Uncertain times bring uncommon stress—even in our families and especially with lots of extra time together! Lord, I admit that the enemy is out roaming and seeking whom he may devour. He is on a mission. I commit the following family relationships to you today: _____________________________. Let my walk today as a believer be the one of the new self, which in the likeness of YOU has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth.
Help our family to have no lying, no anger that turns to sin, no unwholesome word escaping from our mouths–only words that build up our family. Let our words to each other be a gift of grace when we hear each other speak. Let us not grieve your Spirit with all forms of evil but focus on being kind, tender-hearted, and forgiving of each other. Afterall, we have the best teacher in you—as you forgave us, help us also to forgive. 1 Peter 5:8; Ephesians 4:24-32
Unmet Expectations Prayer
Seems like a lot of NO’s. No sports, no school, no graduations, no weddings, etc. For me the biggest unmet expectations during all of this is __________________________. Dear God, Praise be to You. As I deal with this total disappointment, I trust You. I believe according to Romans 8; I can’t be controlled by the flesh, but I must be governed by Your Spirit. The mind governed by You is life and peace and to be governed by my flesh is hostile toward You. I love David’s conversation with you in Psalm 86 and I also cry out to You to hear me and listen to my cry for mercy.
You are the One I can call to. I put my trust in You. While I am in distress, I call to YOU! Among the gods there is none like You. No deeds can compare with yours. I need You to teach me Your way, Lord, I want to rely on Your faithfulness and not my own expectations or anything this world thinks it can promise. You and You alone are my comfort and helper. Help my life among all these unmet expectations to encourage other believers and draw the lost to want to know You. These people dealing with unmet expectations are on my heart today: _________________________________. Thank you for going above and beyond my limited knowledge to help them navigate through their situations. Thank you that you never leave us and you always give us what we need. Psalm 111; Romans 8:6-8; Psalm 86
Health Concerns Prayer
Dear God, we need your protection and healing. Health care workers, the elderly, first responders and more. ____________________ is really on my mind today and their health is a major concern. I love how you not only address the “sin” in our lives and can heal us eternally, but Your mercy for Your people drive you to go beyond the spiritual rescue to the plagues that attack our physical beings here and now. No one else can do it, so we cry out to you—our great healer. Thank you that your faithful love toward your people can’t be measured. Psalm 103
Giving Prayer
Lord, I want you to be Master over all things—including my finances. Help me to relinquish any control. What’s on your heart today related to me and my personal giving? __________________________________________________
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Published May 14, 2020