Building a COVID-19 Prayer Team
Here are three prayer team ideas and strategies for churches, associations, and the state of Georgia.
Build pastor prayer groups and prayer teams.
Across Georgia, pastors are gathering together to pray as never before. This can be done in person, on the phone, or in something like zoom. Leaders must pray together as demonstrated in Acts. Acts is the testimony of united prayer.
Dedicate 7 p.m. everyday to the Family Altar.
Every family/household is asked to stop at 7 p.m. to pray about this virus, pleading the blood of Jesus over your home, your neighbors, your church, your community, your state, and nation. This begins to restore the family altar, which was common in the 1700s and 1800s in America. What if God wanted to revive the family and family altars during this time.
Days of prayer and fasting.
Each church and region is encouraged to take a day a week and cover that day in prayer or have a united day of pray and fasting as a region. There is power in united corporate prayer. One association has grouped the churches by communities so each community is covered seven days a week. Several others are organizing days of prayer and fasting. However it is done, an organized and united regional prayer call is essential.
Also of note
One of our goals is for each church and association to have a prayer point person and a prayer team. Now is a great time to ask each church for a prayer point person. Many AMSs are calling each pastor. We want the pastor to have the greatest intentional prayer support ever because it is harder being a pastor than before.
You can ask questions and join the conversation around COVID-19 by joining the Facebook group. Find more resources on our page as well.
Published March 25, 2020