COVID-19: 12 Ways to Love Your Community
We have an incredible opportunity before us to show the love of Christ to our communities. Families in our communities are looking for solutions to questions that have come as a result of our current reality. Response workers are feeling overwhelmed. Working parents need childcare and the most vulnerable population needs our help and support. Georgia Baptists, let’s step into this moment of time and be the light of Christ in our communities.
Here are 12 practical, tangible ways to love your community through the coronavirus (COVID-19).
- Set up a drive through food drop off in your church parking lot for food distribution through a local food pantry or food bank.
- Connect with your local school counselor to identify needs. Many schools are continuing to provide lunch for students. Explore ways you can help serve or deliver school lunches.
- Write thank you notes to school cafeteria workers who continue to serve our children.
- Many college students are home indefinitely. Connect college students with families in need of childcare.
- Volunteer to go food shopping, pick up prescriptions, or do yard work for the elderly in your community.
- Most of the nursing homes and assisted living facilities are closed to visitors. Write notes, cards, or have children draw pictures of encouragement and deliver them to the door of the facility for the residents.
- Encourage healthcare workers by showing your appreciation for their work and long hours. Write notes, cards or have children draw pictures of encouragement and deliver them to the facility.
- Deliver snack packs or treat trays for employee break rooms at nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and health clinics or hospitals.
- Provide a meal or snacks in bulk to a foster family.
- Call your local pregnancy resource center to discover needs. Deliver formula, diapers, and wipes to the center.
- Lead children to go through toys and books at home that can be given away. Thoroughly clean the items and donate to a local family shelter.
- Prayer drive your local schools, hospitals and clinics, and neighborhoods. Pray for salvation for the lost and for God’s protection over our communities.
For more ideas and to join the conversation around coronavirus (COVID-19), join the Facebook group.
Published March 18, 2020