11 Effective Ideas for Serving Women in Your Church and Community
Women crave connection with Jesus and with other women more than ever right now. A minister recently said, “We are created for communion with God and one another. We will survive this season when we do both.” To love and serve women best, provide opportunities for them to connect with God, with their families, and with one another.
Bible Study:
Disciple women to study scripture. This is a great opportunity to for women to deepen their personal relationship with Jesus without the help of a group or other study guide. Here is a simple resource with guides for reading and studying scripture on your own. (B&W version here)
For Bible study groups: Meet by Zoom, connect through texting groups, or Facebook messenger.
Mentors and Mentees can continue or start meeting via Facetime or traditional phone calls.
Encourage family connections:
This unprecedented time is allowing families to connect with one another in ways they may not have been able to do before. Encourage women to embrace this time with their husbands, children & maybe even extended family, if they live together. If they need it, offer helpful resources and ideas for how to make the most of this opportunity with their family. As you offer opportunities to connect with other women, be mindful of not taking away from their first priorities — time with God and with their families.
Other Connecting Points
Girls Night via Zoom! Provide a weekly or bi-weekly Zoom call for women to just catch up with one another. Start the conversation with these questions, “How are you doing? What is life like for you right now?” More than likely, just those two questions will carry you for the next hour or more! Conclude by praying for one another. Maybe alternate days/times so you can connect with those who have different work and parenting schedules.
Facebook groups centered around particular stages of life are a great way for people to connect. Examples: moms of preschool and young elementary age children; moms of older elementary and middle school kids; moms of high school students; senior adult women; etc., etc. The possibilities are endless! These Facebook groups can be a place for sharing resources, scriptures, recipes, funny memes, & so much more! Let the women in the group take the lead and share the content they need most. Learn more about how to set up Facebook groups at gabapstaging.wpengine.com/covid19.
Social Media. Encourage women through simple & quick to read social media posts. Short, simple & to the point is best. Women are overwhelmed with their new normal and with all the resources coming at them every day. They need and want to be encouraged, but they want it to be simple and easy to read.
Calling & texting work! Women are overwhelmed and battling anxiety, fear, grief, and depression more than ever. Don’t underestimate the importance of listening well. Invite them to talk with you about what they are experiencing. Be the friend they need. Call or text to ask how they are doing.
Snail mail is experiencing a revival! Send a handwritten note to shut ins. Ask moms of preschoolers to have their kids make and send encouraging notes to senior adults. Make it a personal goal to write a note to a woman in your church each day and drop it in the mail. Even 2-3 sentences are enough!
Connect with women who do not attend your church. Use apps like NextDoor or drop notes in mailboxes to advertise an online discussion group in a neighborhood. Choose a topic relevant to the current situation: dealing with the anxiety of COVID-19; creative ideas for kids of different ages; recipe exchange, etc. Share helpful resources and use it as an opportunity to open the door to gospel conversations.
Help them pray. Give an opportunity to share their prayer concerns with one another and pray for one other through Bible study groups, Sunday school classes or Facebook groups. Share resources for prayer walking. Encourage them to ask God to give them opportunities to meet their neighbors as they prayer walk.
Simple Resource for Reading & Studying God’s Word: https://gabaptist.egnyte.com/dl/E7HJjUAJbD/
Creating Facebook Groups: https://gabapstaging.wpengine.com/facebook-group-how-to/
For ongoing ideas and resources, follow our Facebook page and visit georgiabaptistwomen.org. Also contact Beverly Skinner, Women’s Ministry Consultant at bskinner@gabaptist.org.
Published April 7, 2020