Calling Out the Called Scholarships

The following information details the qualifications and process to apply for Calling Out the Called Scholarships:

Georgia Baptist School Scholarships (Truett McConnell University, Shorter University, Brewton-Parker College)


  • First-semester student from a cooperating Georgia Baptist church sensing a call to ministry
  1. The student should notify the school Financial Aid office who will provide the scholarship application. The application includes a section for the student to express their sense of God’s call to ministry. The school will provide instructions for submitting the application.
  2. Prior to the scholarship being awarded, the school will contact the GBMB to confirm the student is from a cooperating GBC church.
  3. The school President has discretion to award up to $3500 for a one-time scholarship per qualified student.

Southern Baptist Seminary Scholarships


  • First-semester student from a cooperating Georgia Baptist church sensing a call to ministry applying to one of the six SBC seminaries

There are two paths to applying for seminary scholarships:

Pathway 1

  1. Student contacts the seminary Financial Aid office for a COTC Scholarship application. The seminary will provide instructions for returning the application.
  2. The Financial Aid office of the seminary sends the completed application and verification of enrollment to GBMB ( for verification of the cooperating GBC church status.
  3. Upon verification of the home church status as a cooperating church the scholarship is awarded.

Pathway 2

  1. Student contacts GBMB ( for a COTC Scholarship application. GBMB will provide instructions for returning the application.
  2. GBMB confirms the cooperating status of the student's home church and confirms enrollment of the student in the selected seminary.
  3. Upon verification, GBMB notifies the seminary of the student's $2500 one-time award.