Ministries /

Disaster Relief

We're bringing help, hope, and healing while transforming lives with the gospel.

In the middle of storms, God moves. He calls His people to compassionately respond to those who are most affected, and He moves in the heart of those who are saddened, angry, and lost. It's in moments like this that the Church has the opportunity and privilege to be the hands, feet, and voice of Jesus.

Comprised of generous credentials volunteers, Georgia Baptist Disaster Relief is committed to showing the love of Jesus to communities and families affected by disaster events. We offer them hope by meeting practical needs in their lives incurred by the disaster.

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Dwain Carter

Missions Mobilization/Director, Disaster Relief


Become a Credentialed SBDR Volunteer

Attend one of our upcoming training sessions to learn more about all of the ways Southern Baptist Disaster Relief responds and serves in times of crisis.

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Become a Disaster Relief Donor Partner

Through the generosity of our donor partners, we're making a difference, but the cost of sending volunteers, preparing meals, and serving families is significant. Many responses are long-term and have a high demand on resources for home cleanout and repair. In addition, our volunteers serve by doing laundry, providing shower access, and chaplaincy counseling. All of this is because of the gifts of our partners.

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