7 Focused Missionary Requests to Take Before God during COVID-19
Conversations with God enable us to close the distance between ourselves and thousands of missionaries serving around the world. Throughout the Psalms it is declared that He will incline His ears to us, hear us, and answer us. Prayer transports us into the middle of where missionaries are and connects us to what they are doing because of the relationship of His Spirit in us – we are one body in Christ Jesus.
We can’t be physically with each missionary, but God, who gives perseverance and encouragement, brings us together in one mind according to Christ Jesus. Together, as one voice, we can declare the glory of God, our Father, through our Lord, Jesus Christ.
It’s exciting to think how we as Georgia Baptists are connected to these missionaries through giving, through years of disciple making, and most importantly through praying. Most of us are home among family with access to good health care and various technologies that connect us to almost anything and anybody. That is not true for many of our missionaries.
As you talk and listen to God each day, be intentional with your prayers and battle in the spiritual war on their behalf. Get involved in worldwide missions by praying each day. Want to pray by name or people group? Go to https://www.namb.net/pray/ and https://www.imb.org/pray/.
Day 1
Lord, missionaries are used to being in public, building relationships. Many are frustrated because they experience conversation that seems spiritually ripe and their normal is going out and being face-to-face in order to share the gospel. Today, reveal to them ways to connect by other means to have rich spiritual conversations about you.
Day 2
Dear Jesus, many of our missionaries may not have access to good healthcare and may even be restricted right now from travel to get where they can get good healthcare. Thank you that you are their physician and help in times of trouble. Protect them and shield them from COVID-19 and sustain them to do your good works. Prosper them in all things including good health — just as we pray that their souls would be healthy in you. (3 John 1:2)
Day 3
Father, you instituted the home and it is important to you. Many missionaries are separated from family during this pandemic. Missionary kids in colleges around the world today may be displaced and living with friends or acquaintances. Elderly parents may be living in other locations. Other families may be experiencing everyone home at once and that brings its own challenges to carry on the work we are called to do. You are the God of peace. Remind and assure our missionaries, their children, and extended families to trust you in this. Guard each missionary’s heart and mind through Christ Jesus. (Phil. 4:6-7)
Day 4
Lord Jesus, obedience to the Word and your commands is all throughout Scripture. Today, reveal to the hearts and minds of each missionary the commands and instructions you give. Make it personal to them. Open their eyes to your truths so they can adjust their lives to live out your commands. May the lost who see them, see the “blameless” walk they have and be drawn to know you, too. (Psalm 119:17-24)
Day 5
God, nothing catches you by surprise. You have always been and always will be. Your promises are true. You are the Sovereign God. Through your Spirit, remind our missionaries of your place and how you are not like any other god. You are the living God who is their shield and their help. Give them a boldness today and an urgency in their work to stay focused and follow you and what you want to do through this pandemic. (Psalm 115)
Day 6
Lord, as our missionaries all over the world are adjusting to a new way of doing ministry or still trying to figure things out, help them to rest in you. If there are feelings of guilt or uncertainty, turn those into times of seeking, resting in You. Help them see truths from your word and what you want the focus in their life and ministry to be right now. (Hebrews 10:22-25; Psalm 46)
Day 7
God, we have never lived through such a pandemic before. Comfort missionaries who find themselves in locations away from their people groups. Keep safe those relationships and seeds that have been planted until you bring the harvest. You know the personal struggles of each missionary overseas and in North America. One of the things we love about you is how personal you are to meet our needs even when we may not be aware of them. Be the strength and companion for that single missionary who finds himself or herself even more alone than usual. Use us and our missionaries to be sensitive, supportive, and thoughtful. More you, less us. (Phil. 2:1-5)
For more coronavirus resources, please visit: gabaptist.org/covid19
Published April 13, 2020