We join pastors and leaders to equip the Church for fulfilling the Great Commission.
As a leader in the local church, the most significant responsibility is to equip the church to fulfill the mission of Jesus. Jesus makes a promise that He will be with the church in a unique fashion that focuses on this mission. For a disciple to be made, a person must first come to faith in Jesus Christ. Therefore, a local fellowship must be intentional about developing a culture of evangelism.
We know that process of training and sending the church out into the world can be challenging. That's why we are focused on helping overcome the apprehensions and developing the pathways to see as many as possible come to faith in Jesus.
Connect with our team
mmarshall@gabaptist.orgMark Marshall
Senior Lead Strategist, Church Strengthening
Our Evangelism Consultants exist to equip your church to reach the lost in your community and beyond.